Dr. Green is licensed to practice psychology in Pennsylvania and Delaware.
Doctor of Philosophy, Clinical Psychology, September, 2010
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA. Forensic Concentration
Master of Science, Clinical Psychology, September, 2007
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
Master of Science, Education, July, 2004
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Certificate of Achievement, December, 1998
London School of Economics, London, U.K.
Bachelor of Arts, Cum Laude, May, 1998
Amherst College, Amherst, MA
Clinical Experience
Psychologist, Heather K. Green
133 Coulter Avenue Ardmore, Pennsylvania, 2013 – current.
Owner of private practice providing both clinical and forensic services. Adult psychotherapy, personality testing, and psycho-educational evaluations for children and young adults are conducted. Administers both civil and criminal evaluations, including child custody, juvenile decertification, competency, sentencing and capital sentencing questions.
Dr. Green also writes sexually violent predator reports for a member of the Pennsylvania Sexual Offender Assessment Board. These evaluations include document review, interviews as well as report production.
Custody evaluations and parenting plans are completed under the guidance of Arnie Sheinvold of . Dr. Sheinvold holds a national and international acclaim for his expertise in custody matters.
Finally, Dr. Green assists Dr. Paul Spangler with assessment reports for Intellectual Disability cases including homicide, competency, and placement decisions.
Post-doctoral Fellow, Drexel University’s Student Counseling Center
Department of Psychology, Drexel University, Student Counseling Center, Center City, Hahnemann Campus, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 2011 – September 2012.
Continue to provide individual therapy to adults with a variety of mental health diagnoses. Received trainig and experience treating additional diagnoses including eating disorders and obsessive compulsive disorder. Therapeutic modalities used include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Trauma-focused CBT, in addition to Family Systems and Psychodynamic approaches. Provide supervision to graduate level trainees. Administer, score, and interpret full neuropsychological batteries including Weschsler, Halstead Reitan and Luria Motor tests, structured and unstructured clinical interviews, and personality assessment instruments for students with presenting questions about learning disabilities. Determine DSM-IV diagnoses, write descriptive reports, and formulate treatment plans.
Pre-doctoral Intern, Drexel University’s Student Counseling Center and Kirk Heilbrun’s Forensic Evaluation Clinic
Department of Psychology, Drexel University, Student Counseling Center, Center City, Hahnemann Campus, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, July 2009 – July 2010.
Provide individual and couples therapy to adults with a variety of mental health diagnoses employing a number of therapeutic modalities including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Trauma-focused CBT, in addition to Family Systems and Psychodynamic approaches. Conduct full neuropsychological batteries including Weschsler, Halstead Reitan and Luria Motor tests students with presenting questions about learning disabilities. For the Forensic Clinic, conduct forensic assessments and write reports for a range of legal questions, including competence to stand trial, juvenile decertification, mental state at the time of the offense, IMEs, capital sentencing, and Ind. In addition, conduct thorough document reviews and collateral interviews.
Psychology Extern, Behavioral Health in Urban Schools Program
Department of Psychology, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Behavioral Health in Urban Schools Program Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, July 2008 – June 2009.
Provide behavior therapy to urban students in grades Kindergarten through 8th using the Conjoint Behavioral Consultation method with a variety of behavioral issues including anger management, problem solving with peers, and aggression. Co-lead a social skills group based on the Tough Kid protocol. Provide individual therapy to students with internalizing problems, employing empirically supported treatments such as Coping Power and the Primary and Secondary Control Enhancement Training.
Therapist, Student Counseling Center
Department of Psychology, Drexel University, Student Counseling Center, Center City, Hahnemann Campus, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, July 2008 – June 2009.
Provide individual therapy to adults with a variety of mental health diagnoses including mood, anxiety, substance use, personality, learning, and adjustment disorders. Administer, score, and interpret structured and unstructured clinical interviews, cognitive, psychological, and personality assessment instruments. Determine DSM-IV diagnoses, write descriptive reports, and formulate treatment plans. Conduct workshops for the student community on balancing career and family life as well as behavioral management.
Psychology Extern, State and Forensic Hospital
Delaware Health and Social Services, Delaware Psychiatric Center, Wilmington, Delaware, Spetember 2007 -June 2008.
Therapist, Adult Chronic Unit. Supervisor: Diane Bingham, Psy.D.
Provided individual therapy to patients with severe psychiatric diagnoses including Schizophrenia, Borderline Personality Disorder, Schizoaffective Disorder, and Bi-polar Disorder. Therapeutic techniques were eclectic and grounded in a variety of orientations including behavioral, humanistic, and psychodynamic. Wrote annual comprehensive psychology reports.
Therapist and Evaluator, Forensic Hospital Unit. Supervisor: Robert Thompson, Ph.D.
Provided individual therapy to inpatient forensic clients. Wrote annual comprehensive psychology reports. Co-conducted outpatient forensic evaluations, which included interviews and the administration of intellectual and forensic mental health assessments. Assisted supervisor in report writing.
Therapist and Group Facilitator, Geriatric Unit. Supervisor: Karen Tanner, Ph.D.
Conducted individual and group therapy with older patients with severe psychiatric diagnoses including Schizophrenia, Major Depressive Disorder, and Dementia. Created and administered group therapy protocol. Participated in multi-disciplinary team meetings focused on treatment planning and discharge.
Evaluator, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Department of Psychology, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, August 2006-April 2007.
Provided outpatient psychoeducational assessments for children ages 5-18 with a range of learning disabilities, autistic spectrum disorders, and developmental disabilities. Interviewed children and their families. Wrote comprehensive reports, which included treatment recommendations, and conducted feedback interviews.
Forensic Evaluator Trainee, Forensic Assessment Clinic
Department of Psychology, Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 2006 – April 2007.
Conducted forensic assessments with court-referred adolescents and adults. Participated in competency, criminal responsibility, capital sentencing, federal sentencing, amenability to treatment, and juvenile de-certification evaluations. Administered, scored, and interpreted cognitive, psychological, and forensic mental health assessment instruments. Wrote integrative reports for use by the primary forensic examiner.
Neuropsych Evaluator and Therapist, Thomas Sacchetti, Ph.D.
Philadelphia, PA, June 2005 – June 2006,
Conducted six hour-long neuropsychological batteries with adults, children, and geriatric clients in a private practice. Interviewed clients and their families. Wrote comprehensive integrative reports based on test findings and interview data. Provided individual and couples therapy to one year-long client.
Drexel University Adjunct Professor
Dr. Green teaches Forensic Psychology to undergraduates.
Assessment Experience
Trained in the administration, scoring, and interpretation of the following instruments: WAIS-IV; WAIS-III; WISC-IV; WPPSI-V; WASI; WIAT-III; WRAT-4; WMS; Woodcock-Johnson III, Tests of Achievement; Woodcock-Johnson III, Tests of Cognitive Abilities; Wide Range Assessment of Memory (WRAML); Memory Assessment Scales; Sensory Perceptual; Luria Motor; Wisconsin Card Sorting Test; Stroop; CVLT; Rey-O; 2s & 7s; TOMM; Verbal Fluency; Boston Naming Test; Nelson Denny; Finger Oscillation; Grooved Pegboard; Tactile Performance Test (TPT); TOMAL; IVA; Bells; C & E; Behavioral Assessment System for Children (BASC); Millon Clinical Multi-Axial Inventory III (MCMI-III); Rorschach; Strong Interest Inventory; Trail Making Test A & B; BDI-II; MMPI-2; MMPI-A; Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI); Massachusetts Youth Screening Inventory-2 (MAYSI); Level of Service Inventory, Revised (LSI-R); Gudjonnson Suggestibility Scale; MacArthur Competence Assessment Tools; Miranda Comprehension Instruments, Revised; NEPSY; Bracken; Beery Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration (VMI); Scales of Indepenent Behavior Revised (SIB-R); CVLT-C; Curriculum Based Assessment Reading; Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE).
Strachan, M., Kalbeitzer, R., Green, H. & Goldstein, N. (under review) Development of a theory-based Miranda rights educational program: Are there developmental limitations to legal learning?
Behavioral Sciences and the Law.
Strachan, M., Kalbeitzer, R., Green, H., & Goldstein, N. (under review). The Miranda rights education project: Findings from a longitudinal study.
Zillmer, E. & Green, H. (2006). Neuropsychological Assessment in the Forensic Setting. In. R. Archer (Ed.), Forensic uses of clinical assessment instruments (pp. 209-228).
New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.
In Preparation
Strachan, M., Kalbeitzer, R., Green, H. & Goldstein, N. (in preparation) Development of a theory-based Miranda rights educational program: Are there developmental limitations to legal learning?
Behavioral Sciences and the Law.
Strachan, M., Kalbeitzer, R., Green, H., & Goldstein, N. (in preparation). The Miranda rights education project: Findings from a longitudinal study.
Professional Presentations
Green, H., Hart, A., Yasuhara, K., Mueller, A., Heilbrun, K. (July 2008). Academic Sports-Mentoring Program Intervention and Acadmeic Achievement Skills. Paper presented as part of a symposium at the annual conference of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Vienna, Austria.
Yasuhara, K., Green, H., Hart, A., Heilbrun, K., Mueller, A. (July 2008). The Nature and Status of Academic Sport-mentoring After-school Programs. Paper presented as part of a symposium at the annual conference of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Vienna, Austria.
Hart, A., Yasuhara, K., Green, H., Heilbrun, K., Mueller, A. (July 2008). The Quality of Primary Interpersonal Relationships and After-school Sport-Mentoring Program Intervention.Paper presented as part of a symposium at the annual conference of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Vienna, Austria.
Heilbrun, K., Green, H., Hart, A., Yasuhara, K., Mueller, A. (July 2008). After-school Sport-Mentoring Programs as Primary Prevention Programs: Implications for Research, Policy, and Practice. Paper presented as part of a symposium at the annual conference of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Vienna, Austria.
Green, H., Hart, A., Yasuhara, K., Mueller, A., Heilbrun, K. (March 2008). The Impact of a Risk-Reduction Program Providing Academic Support Training, and Mentoring. Poster presented at the annual conference of American Psychology-Law Society, Jacksonville, FL.
Strachan, M., Kalbeitzer, R., Green, H., and Goldstein, N. (March 2008). Development of a theory-based, Miranda Rights Education Program. Poster presented at the annual conference of American Psychology-Law Society, Jacksonville, FL.
Kalbeitzer, R., Strachan, M., Green, H., and Goldstein, N. (March 2008). The Miranda Rights Education Project: Findings from a longitudinal Study. Paper presented at the annual conference of American Psychology-Law Society, Jacksonville, FL.
Strachan, M., Goldstein, N., Kalbeitzer, R., & Green, H. (June 2007). The effectiveness of the Miranda Rights Educational Program. Paper presented as part of a symposium at the annual conference of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Montreal, Canada.
Strachan, M., Goldstein, N, Green, H., Kalbeitzer, R. (June 2007).Theoretical underpinnings of the Miranda Rights Educational Program. Paper presented as part of a symposium at the annual conference of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Montreal, Canada.
Kalbeitzer, R., Goldstein, N., Strachan, M, Green, H., Romaine, C., Wolbransky, M., & Erickson, J. (June 2007).The role of psychosocial factors in legal learning. Paper submitted to be presented as part of a symposium at the annual conference of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Montreal, Canada.
Strachan, M., Goldstein, N. E. S., Kalbeitzer, R., & Green, H. (August 2005). Development of a theory-based Miranda rights education curriculum. Paper presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.
Professional Affiliations
American Psychological Association
Pennsylvania Psychological Association
American Psychology-Law Association
Association of Family and Conciliation Courts
Philadelphia Society of Clinical Psychologists, Board Memeber
Delaware Psychological Association
Philadelphia Behavior Therapy Association
Training and Continuing Education
Foundational Mindfulness-Based Stress Management, Penn Program for Mindfulness, Winter 2014, 22 hours.
We are the Tools of Our Trade: How the Therapist’s Own Attachemnt Patterns Shape Therapy, David Wallin, 11/8/13, 6 hours
Law and Ethics: Hot Topics in Child Advocacy, Frank P. Cervone, 10/23/2013, 1 hour
Understanding the Neurobiology and Symptoms of Chemical and Other Addictions: Implications for Children, Families and Custody, Honorable Margaret Goodzeit, P.J.F.P.; Daniel Watter, EdD; Gregg Benson, MA, LCADC, CMS; Jeffrey Singer, PhD; Ann Ordway, Esq.; Robert Dunn, Esq.; Jeralyn Lawrence, Esq.; Sharon Ryan Montgomery, PsyD; Marcy Pasternak, PhD; Amy Wechsler, APM; 10/12/13; 7.5 hours
Assessment and the Practice of Psychology in the Digital Age, Ron Fischman, Ed.D. 10/4/2013; 6 hours
Advanced Issues in Child Custody: Evaluation, Litigation and Settlement. Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, 9/26/2013-9/28/2013; 15.5 hours
Ethical Considerations When Conducting Child Custody Evaluations, Rachael Baturin, 9/16/2013; 3 hours
A Brief Survey of DSM5, ICD-10, and PDM: Diagnostic and Treatment Issues, Robert M. Gordon, PhD, ABPP; 6/14/2013; 6 hours
Hot Tpics in Ethics and Risk Management in the Pyschological Practice, Eric Harris, Ed.D., JD; 5/17/2013; 6 hours
Demystifying Mental Health in the Courts, The Honorable Michael Newell; Felice Kerr, Esq.; Traci Bolander, PsyD; Ellen Gay, PhD; Steve Eichel, PhD, ABPP; Abraham Mensch, PhD; Mandell Much, PhD; Joseph Zingaro, PhD; 2/8/2013; 6 hours